The University Grants Commission is a body consisting of eleven members. The Government of Nepal appoints all the members, excepting ex officio. The Commission has its Chairman and the Member-Secretary as fulltime office bearers.The nine members include the Secretary of the Ministry of Education, the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, a member of the National Planning Commission, two Vice-chancellors; two prominent Educationists and two distinguished Professors. The detail of the composition is as under:

S.N. Members Designation
1 GoN appointed prominent Educationist Chairman
2 GoN appointed two Vice-Chancellors Member
3 A member of the National Planning Commision Member
4 Secretary of the Ministry of Education Member
5 Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Member
6 GoN appointed two prominent Educationists Member
7 GoN appointed two prominent personalities who had highly contributed in Higher Education Member
8 GoN appointed prominent Educationist Member-secretary